Indie Guides Brooklyn
Beyond the hype, Brooklyn is a vibrant and diverse borough full of new, creative spaces, and beloved, classic destinations that fly under the tourist (and even local) radar. Home to artists, musicians, and many waves of immigrants from all over the world, Brooklyn is ever evolving in surprising ways, and welcomes all who venture far and wide to sample its many cultural offerings.
Discover 5 spots from Indie Guides Brooklyn
The author
Eleanor Whitney is a writer, community builder, and musician living in Brooklyn. Her professional career spans museum education, arts administration, and working in marketing and community for tech startups. She is the author of the book Grow, a field guide for creatives to build sustainable businesses, and writes regularly about feminism and culture for a variety of blogs and publications. She likes Fender guitars, 70s and 80s road bikes, tropical cocktails, beach trips, and reading multiple books at the same time.